05. Support from the Udacity Team

Support from the Udacity Team

Support from the Udacity Team

The Udacity team is here to help you reach your goals! You can interact with us in the following ways:

  • Forums: Along with your student community, the Udacity team maintains a strong presence in the forum to help make sure your questions get answered and to connect you with other useful resources.

  • Classroom Mentorship: You'll be partnered with a mentor who will support you throughout the program. This mentor is an industry professional or Nanodegree alumnus with the experience and training to help guide you through to graduation. They are there to provide encouragement and support, so reach out to them at any time for guidance.

Feel free to find out more about this kind of support under the Lesson Resources, located in the left hand navigation menu (the file folder icon).

Find our FAQ and contact us for product support here: https://www.udacity.com/contact